Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Random Rain

While there was nothing random about the rain that fell today, the hype about its power was. So, out of no where we get this alert that there will be terrible weather some time in the day. I can say that I was personally confused since it just looked like the normal rainy whether sky, but as I sit here at the computer I realize that today's weather can be a metaphor for life. Here it is: What looks and feels harmless can be dangerous. While I still laugh at the danger of our little drizzle that we had today, I realized that I could possibly have dangerous rain drops in my life. What I was expecting to come in the form of an elaborate thunder storm, came in gradual flooding. Maybe I think life is fine because I don't see obvious danger. If I didn't recognize this sooner, I would be drowning in rain while expecting lightening.

So what the heck am I talking about. Well it is the cloud of smoke that has been in my life lately. This fog is so light and seems like it could soon disperse--like nothing to worry about at all. I sit enterained waiting for the good particles to separate and the cloud to dissapear, but the thing with gases is that you never know what is going to bond to what and what you will get after that. You only hope for the best until you are choking on carbon monoixde. Today I realized that I just might not be breathing oxgyen. Sure you can't get through life without breathing other elements, but I could be getting an extra dose of dangerous gas that I might not even have seen coming. It is not what I see that can hurt me, but what I can't see.

Dear God, open my eyes.

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