So.....Sunday I had a new experience. It sounds weird referring to church that way, but I never had to concentrate so hard in a building of worship. Someone from the dorm invited to come to their Episcopalian church. I knew there were differences in it from the non-traditional churchs and the Methodist one I have tried in Charleston, but I was still excited to worship with a group of people that do things a little different. I don't think I did it right though. Here are the list of things I screwed up:
1. Not bowing to the priest as he entered because I was too busy trying to catch up on the Processional Hymn (#76 to be specific).
2. Turned to the wrong page in the prayer book for the Baptism. (For some reason it was easier to navigate the Methodist books in the pews)
3. Almost frowned during communion when I realized it was real wine. (That stuff taste like Nite Qyuil)
4. Lets not forget the number of times I missed the cross thing with the hands.
So I wasn't so culturally graceful in this transition, but nevertheless I still love God and appreciated the experience worshiping with his fellow conservative followers. I just wish I could have focused on God a little more instead of multi-tasking. It is probably I lot easier once you learn everything in advance. Now for the things I did enjoy:
1. The beautiful architecture (There were stained glass windows and a courtyard. It was very prestigious and majestical.)
2. The choir was good in a traditional since. (hard to follow though)
3. Since their were a number of wise ones (old people) it was nice to see the candle boys and the one that carries the book above his head. (It's nice not being the only young one)
4. The baptism was funny. The priest slashed water on a baby and it cried. That's always entertaining. (Just for the record, I wasn't the only one laughing)
5. There were women priest too! (They wear the robes and everything too. It was unique for the conservative church experience.)
6. I think I feel more connect with people of this denomination now. I can relate to them, and understand their viewpoint on Christianity. (I think the point of the experience was to experience God in a different way, but I'll have to work on that. As I said, I had a lot of concentrating planned out for me.)
Soon I will be back in Savannah, where I will be welcomed by electric guitars, young people, a pastor that wears jeans, converses, and a button down shirt. Thats right, lateChurch. I am not against new experiences. I'm all about worshiping with all of God's people which is why I am so strongly non-denominational, but I need to worship God in my way now. I want to be able to focus on Him and not "the experience". Maybe with a couple more months of trying these different churches I will feel comfortable enough to worship God in their art forms. As for doctrine and differing beliefs, I see myself as a barrier breaker. I know what I believe, and I think the biggest thing Christianity needs to do before we address this is to open towards one another and fully aware each other. Once we are comfortable we can pray about the right way of leading others to God. Regardless of what we do people can still find God, but I would like the Church not to be the reason they loose faith in Him. So lets mend our wounds in the infastructure by mending our wounds with each other. How would we do this you may ask?
answer: Tearing down the walls of division. Lets make the parts of God's body work together again. Go check out some of your counterparts and find out how they work because they are affecting YOU too!
1 Corinthians 12:26 "If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it."
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