So today I took a test, scrapped together a project, made three trips to the library, and smiled. That's right, it was a great day--the last day of the last full week of classes ( : So let me give some highlights of this excitement:
1. Made an A on a test
2. The door opened behind me
3. Intervarsity
4. Small chat
5. Smoothie
6. Harry Potter
7. Some love from the family
Well if it isn't obvious, I am most excited about #2 (Of course all of the others always make me happy, but they happen more regularly than 2). Today when the door opened behind me, I realized that God was answering one of my prayers. But of course when God does something He has to go above and beyond. He not only answered that prayer, but gave me reassurance about other things I prayed about when I went to Intervarsity. So basically the door opened and my name was called before I could realize that I was being met half-way. So now that my prayers are answered, now what? For the time being, I'll just go on my happy way until something of real interest happens in my life.
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