Sunday, July 29, 2012


Contrast happens to be a element that I appreciate seeing in art, but a few days ago it came in hand for everyday life. Getting to know some new people, I realized how different we were and how much I appreciated being me. We were different in every way possible. They possessed qualities that I would have loved to have had when I was younger and admired those characteristics, but once I was face to face with "perfection", I realized that I did not want to be those things at all. The role came with a set of problems that I would rather not deal with. It was at that moment that I thanked God for who I am. No more complaints about anything. I even thanked Him for my own problems. It is funny how seeing the opposite side of the spectrum better helps one understand and appreciate themselves. But the beauty in it is that this contrast is what makes these relationships interesting and beautiful--just like a piece of well composed art. We cannot all be the same for this to happen. We should embrace who we are and contribute our own elements to the relationship, the collaborate artwork.

*Image from

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