Contrast happens to be a element that I appreciate seeing in art, but a few days ago it came in hand for everyday life. Getting to know some new people, I realized how different we were and how much I appreciated being me. We were different in every way possible. They possessed qualities that I would have loved to have had when I was younger and admired those characteristics, but once I was face to face with "perfection", I realized that I did not want to be those things at all. The role came with a set of problems that I would rather not deal with. It was at that moment that I thanked God for who I am. No more complaints about anything. I even thanked Him for my own problems. It is funny how seeing the opposite side of the spectrum better helps one understand and appreciate themselves. But the beauty in it is that this contrast is what makes these relationships interesting and beautiful--just like a piece of well composed art. We cannot all be the same for this to happen. We should embrace who we are and contribute our own elements to the relationship, the collaborate artwork.
*Image from
My Life: God's beautiful nightmare
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Social class?
I have been thinking about the quote, "leaders attract leaders." While there have been aspects to this that have been true for me, it brings about questions of social division. Do we just naturally fall into subgroups/social classes based on our passion and direction, or are these classifications just social constructs?
In my thoughts, I dared to ask the question, "Are some people just meant to be led?" If so, what would a society that valued both roles equally look like? Should they be valued equally? Sometimes I wonder...
In my thoughts, I dared to ask the question, "Are some people just meant to be led?" If so, what would a society that valued both roles equally look like? Should they be valued equally? Sometimes I wonder...
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Dear Deer: Please don't commit suicide with my car

I have a stream of random things worth writing down/blogging about starting with the dear that ran into my car on my way home for thanksgiving. It dashed out into the road before I could make a reasonable decision. At the speed I was going, there was no stopping. I swerved around it, but the not so bright animal continued galloping into my side door. Unfortunately, my first thought was, "Is my car okay, and I hope I killed it!!!" I felt a little bad for the deer, but the thought of my car being messed up made me livid. I didn't bother to stop because the thought of blood on my car made me uneasy. Then I had to reason with myself: "Should I have sympathy for my car or the animal." My decision: forget both and get home!
Once I got home, I decided that I would take a look against my better judgement. To my surprise, I saw nothing significally ruined in the dark of the night. I jumped for joy and did a victory dance. One item unharmed. All I had to do now was convince myself that the deer was okay.
Then I woke up the next morning and saw my car in the sunlight.
That deer better be dead.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
...and HARRY POTTER!!!!
Last week church had something extra added to shake up the crowd. As one of the women was finishing up the children's lesson in front the church, one child thought he should add a little addition to the end of the prayer. They had just got done doing a demonstration where the women related the popularity of Jesus to Justin Beiber and Harry Potter to ultimately give a lesson about being prepared when God calls on us or when Jesus comes. As she had the children finish up the prayer, on little boy added, "And thank you God for HARRY POTTER." There were a few gasps from the crowd, but I couldn't have been more entertained or prouder. That little boy was a true fan and I admired his guts. What an interesting kind of faith. I felt like adding an Amen. I wonder if thanking God for Harry Potter is a weird thing to do. I decided it's not weird as longer as you thank him for Jesus too. I am of the belief that God understands humor.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
You know it is approaching winter when...
So last week I was walking to my car parked in a garage when a guy starts walking at the same pace beside me. He started chatting like it was normal to follow a girl to a parking garage and talk to her. Fortunately, he got lucky and that girl was me. From the look of him, I had nothing to be afraid of and did not mind being followed. Apparently, his car was parked in the same garage. He also went to the college. After small talk we finally parted ways because our cars were parked on the opposite side of the floor. Once I reached my car I realized my fly was down the whole time, a problem that I only worry about when it begins to get cold. Usually, I wear skirts until the chill kicks in, but that day I had on pants. I stood there wondering if I should be mortified, but decided against it considering my zipper was only an inch long to begin with. It is always aggravating to deal with because it is not long enough to have to worry about being exposed, but just long enough to be annoying when it is down. I quickly zipped it up and thanked God that I only have to deal with this problem for a quarter of the year. I don't think he noticed, but it I am am still bothered my my zipper is only one inch!! Just give me a button.
Oh cold weather, why must you make me wear pants!!!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Back without the toothbrush
So the toothbrush guy came back today, but this time he did not have his toothbrush with him. Once again he asked to turn out the lights in the laundry room, and I was impressed with his consistency. I was not expecting him to come back and thought by this time he would just send an email encouraging the building supervisor to save energy so he could save his own energy. I am amused to see how long this will go on for. Little does he know that there is still another laundry room in the building with the lights on 24/7. I can't image the nightmares he would have if he knew.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Random guy with a toothbrush
So it seems that anything worth blogging about keeps happening at the desk of my job. Tuesday this professor comes in carrying a toothbrush in his hands with an attitude too perky for the early hours of the morning. He approached and asked if he could turn out the lights in the laundry room to save energy. While I am an energy saver myself, this was definitely the strangest request I have gotten at the desk. There he was standing with his toothbrush in his fist as spunky as can be asking to turn out some lights. I just could not rain on his parade, and decided to let him do as he fancied. If it made him think he was saving the earth, then why not? He walked away feeling better and said it had been bothering him for days (I thought it was creepy that he had been watching the laundry room that long). It is funny what bothers people. As he walked away, I felt guilty for not telling him about the second laundry room we have and how the lights stay on in there all of the time too. He was so excited about turning that light off that I thought it would be best to keep our other energy wasting room a secret. I am still at lost as to why he had the toothbrush, but who knows...
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